Using AI for product feedback management

November 06, 2023

In a world chronically suffering from too much information and too little understanding, user feedback is paramount for any product's success. But with the sheer volume of feedback that companies receive, sifting through it manually is neither efficient nor effective. AI has the potential to revolutionize how we handle, analyze, and act upon user feedback.

We're diving into some cool AI applications and ideas that'll change how you see feedback. For every AI application, I will try to evaluate usefulness vs. hype.

Summarizing feedback

Hype: 6/10
Value: 4/10

The trivial use of AI is to summarize long feedback into shorter, digestible points, allowing product managers to quickly grasp the essence without reading through lengthy paragraphs. Many articles and vendors praise summarization as a very useful tool, but I find it relatively useless. It works only for the very specific use cases when you really need to grasp the essence of the conversation to decide whether to dig into details or not.


Summarization is quite easy to implement, so it is likely that it might work already in your favorite tool. Fibery was among the first to introduce it. For example, here is how summaries of customer support chats work. You can quickly review recent chats, spot some interesting topics, and dig into details if you want.

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Written by Kyle Mathews who lives and works in San Francisco building useful things. You should follow them on Twitter